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KeepCool is a healthtech start-up that helps people live better lives by tracking and managing their emotions.


 Business Need

KeepCool helps people manage behavioral disorders by tracking and recognizing their emotions. KeepCool reports this information in the Mood Timeline to help users reveal emotional trends and their Typical Mood. KeepCool utilizes the users heart rate, time of day, location information and their Moods to predict trigger events. Users can share their Moods on the Moodboard where they can interact with others and participate in discussions about their Moods and the Moods of others. KeepCool also provides Healthcare providers with an app that allows them to monitor in realtime their patients Moods and emotional state. Caregivers receive severe Mood alerts as triggers are detected and enable private mobile chat to help patients avoid negative behavior.

Agilitee lead the product strategy, user research and testing, UX design, and development of the iOS and Android smartphone and tablet apps as well as architecture and development of the systems full-stack.